ana Tyres And Exhausts - For honest help & assistance MOT for your Car Van Manchester Oldham  Failsworth

For honest help & assistance please call

0161 684 8981, 0161 376 4197

   2 Duke St, Failsworth, Manchester M35 9DN

Air Conditioning

Air Conditioning

If your air conditioning is not working, or needs a service, or just a recharge we are here to help you. Here at Ana Tyres And MOT Centre our technicians are fully qualified and trained in servicing, fault diagnosis, fitting parts and repairs for cars and vans. We always display a personalised service that caters to your individual needs and specific requirements. The importance of having a functional air conditioning system is that it produces comfort during hot conditions and the ability to demist your vehicle during winter months. Whatever the problem with your air conditioning system, we can offer to investigate the fault, then rectify it whether it needs a simple recharge, service or a repair and fitting parts.